A little dramatic portraiture with Ashley on a cold winter night in Eugene.
Did some beauty shots yesterday with a new makeup artist. Looking forward to working with her again soon.
I have always been a “get it right in the camera tweak it in photoshop'” kind of guy, as opposed to a shoot whatever and put it together in post mentality. I’ve been using Photoshop since version 6.0 to tweak color, contrast, add vignettes, etc. Although actions and automation speed photoshop up considerably, I wasn’t even prepared for what I experienced when I picked up lightroom 3. I’ve been digging into it for a little over a month now and I must say it has increased my productivity by leaps and bounds. The initial after-shoot process is what amazed me the most. Downloading a shoot, making selects, applying the initial color treatments and exposure adjustments, and making proof sheets or web galleries is now a couple hour process for me, whereas doing everything in photoshop by hand would take me the better part of a few days with my schedule. For everyone who told me to try lightroom long ago, you can now officially say I told you so. I am a convert.
I love photographing children. There is no telling what will happen, and sometimes everything comes together, the planets align, and the child just plain gives you a gift. You truly get one shot at capturing the moment.
Gorilla Capital Ad – Homeowner Portraits
Garrett – Sheldon High School Senior
Spencer – South Eugene High School Senior
Alicia – West Eugene Wetlands
Kira Beth – Portland Convention Center
Jessica – West Eugene Wetlands
Get in on the action – book a shoot today! Fill out the contact form at www.nickjohnson.net and be sure to mention my blog for $100 off summer portrait sessions for yourself, your family, or as a gift for someone special.
Photo: Shannon Johnson
From a beach shoot with Belle a couple years ago. Loving this weather we’re having lately. Looking forward to more beach shoots this summer.
I shoot a lot of headshots for a variety of purposes. Models, actors, executives, healthcare professionals, many others. No matter what the application is the need is really the same. The fact is a person is using a headshot to sell themselves, or associate their image with a product or service. The image needs to be a recognizable representation of them. I may light the image a little differently, or suggest different styling and makeup based on the needs of the client, but ultimately my job remains the same for each headshot. The image needs to be inviting – as in inviting the viewer to look and look again. It needs to be attractive and show the subjects best features, yet most importantly, it MUST look exactly like the subject on their best day. If you aren’t immediately recognizable from your headshot, it’s time to get a new headshot.