Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Workflow

I have always been a “get it right in the camera tweak it in photoshop'” kind of guy, as opposed to a shoot whatever and put it together in post mentality.  I’ve been using Photoshop since version 6.0 to tweak color, contrast, add vignettes, etc.  Although actions and automation speed photoshop up considerably, I wasn’t even prepared for what I experienced when I picked up lightroom 3.  I’ve been digging into it for a little over a month now and I must say it has increased my productivity by leaps and bounds.  The initial after-shoot process is what amazed me the most.  Downloading a shoot, making selects, applying the initial color treatments and exposure adjustments, and making proof sheets or web galleries is now a couple hour process for me, whereas doing everything in photoshop by hand would take me the better part of a few days with my schedule.  For everyone who told me to try lightroom long ago, you can now officially say I told you so.  I am a convert.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gustavo Osmar Santos
Estuvo Aquí...wonderfull.